Wednesday, October 3, 2012

surgery scheduled!

We have scheduled Anderson's surgery for October 17, 2012.
I am not sure how i feel about this.
The surgery will be a long one.  (4 or 5 hours?) It will require Anderson to be under anesthesia. It will also involve skin graphs that will be taken from near his groin area.
He will have to be in a cast up to his shouder for at least 3 weeks. Then they take the cast off and check the healing process and will recast if it is not healed enough for up too 3 more weeks.

I know he will be in pain after, and i think the cast will frustrate him for a while. I know he can adapt fast but I hate to see his little energetic self hindered by anything.
I can barley allow myself to think about it or I become upset. I do not want to see my little guy be in pain! I wish with all my heart that I could take his place. I wish that I could just shield him from all the things he has to face. He is so young and innocent. How is he going to handle this?
My heart just breaks when I think of all he will have to go through!
I try to pray when I get upset and it does help. I know that God is with us. I am trusting in him. I am not afraid per say i just do not want to see my baby hurt.

Last night Anderson woke up in the middle of the night and I went in to comfort him. I held him in the chair and sang him songs like I always do, but I sang him a few songs I never sang him before.

I cast all my care upon you
God will take care of you

He actually fell back to sleep right after I started rocking him but I held him close much longer. Tears were steaming down my face as I kissed his peaceful little forehead. I clung to him and kept singing but the song was for me.

I cast all my cares upon you
I lay all of my burdens down at your feet
and anytime I don't know what to do
I will cast all my cares upon you.

The next song i sang My mom used to sing to me when I was a little girl. Her dad used to sing it to her I think...
I could not remember all of the words while I was singing so I just sang the refrain a few times.
I looked up the lyrics just now and although its an old hymn it sure is still good!

God will take care of you.
 Civilla D. Martin 
Music: W. Stillman Martin

1.  Be not dismayed whate'er betide,

 God will take care of you; 
 beneath his wings of love abide, 
 God will take care of you.

 God will take care of you, 
 through every day, o'er all the way; 
 he will take care of you, 
 God will take care of you.

2. Through days of toil when heart doth fail, 
 God will take care of you; 
 when dangers fierce your path assail, 
 God will take care of you.

3. All you may need he will provide, 
 God will take care of you; 
 nothing you ask will be denied, 
 God will take care of you.

4. No matter what may be the test, 
 God will take care of you;
 lean, weary one, upon his breast, 
 God will take care of you.

The surgery will be two weeks from today. I will need prayer as the date gets closer to stay 
calm and be able to handle my emotions. I am a very empathetic person. I cry when i see 

people hurting, and this will be extra hard considering its my baby boy. 
having fun together



  1. Hello, I just found your blog and wanted to check in and let you know I'm a mommy with a son who is going through the exact same thing! My little Joey had his surgery 3 weeks ago. I had all the same fears and concerns as you! We scheduled his surgery months in advance and all that time, I wondered if I should put him through it, maybe he is perfectly fine just the way he is, etc. The day finally came and everything went so smoothly! So I'm definitely here to help you through all those fears and the post-surgical period. We saw the surgery and recovery as a series of "steps" - first there is the actual surgery (the BIG first step!), then the next step is the first few days of recovery at home afterwards, then you've got the next few weeks of recovery, and then before you know it, you'll be where we're at: the bandage and splint is off and his fingers are free! He is a normal, healthy boy who acts like nothing ever happened. He is 12 months old. I will be checking in with you - it helped me SO much to hear from other moms that had been through it with their little ones and there weren't many of us that I could find!

  2. Amy, sending all my prayers and healing vibes to you and Anderson, will be thinking of you guys and looking forward to updates (((hugs)))

    Irina (Ania's mom)

  3. Audrey, Thanks so much for your comments! It is so encouraging to hear from someone who knows what we are going through. I hope that your little boy continues to heal every day. I'm happy for you that the surgery went well. How exciting that he now has his fingers free in more than one way.
    Thank you for the idea of thinking of this all in a series of steps! What a great way of thinking about this situation. It has already helped me to start looking at it one step at a time. Just focusing on the next step seems manageable.

  4. Irina,
    Thank you for your kind words!
    I have to let you know that your blog inspired me to make my own. I could not find much info on the web about syndactyly. At least none that was so personal and in that way comforting.
    Thanks for keeping it up after so long and updating us on your beautiful daughter.
    I hope that I can help people the way that you have!

  5. Amy,
    I am so sorry that I never knew till today what you all have been going through. We are not dealing with this condition but I think every mom knows the feelings of wanting to shield their babies from the world, hurt, pain, sin. I cried with you today and will be lifting up many prayers as Anderson goes in for surgery and recovers. And for you and Andy as you comfort him and care for him. God will carry you through. Anderson is incredibly blessed to have parents that show him and teach him Jesus' love. Keep singing those sweet is healing for both of you. Will keep in touch!


    1. Thank you so much Jill! Everyones prayers are felt and appreciated! We are thankful for our great God who is with us everyday, hard or not.
      We really need to get our crazy boys together sometime to play! They would love that!

  6. I saw your mom at Cash Wise last week and was able to catch up a bit. It sounds like Anderson is bouncing back nicely! I can't wait to read your next update. are in town next and have some free time just let me know! Maybe contact me through facebook, I check that pretty often. And we can just wing it :). With this baby coming soon I think there's gonna be a lot more winging it. And yes, they would have fun! Little boys are wonderful.
