Tuesday, October 2, 2012

II. First Hand Appointment.

 When Anderson was over a year old we took him to Gillette Children's for his first hand appointment.

Gillette Children's is an amazing place! Everyone is so helpful and kind. It is also wonderful to be at a place that is just for children. The staff is used to all the different things a child might do compared to an adult, and the whole place is colorful and full of toys. Anderson had a great time and will willingly go back.

Anderson did great. He rode in the stroller for a while, but then because he had been walking for only 2 months,  he pushed the stroller around and ran a little tipsy down the hallways. He loved having such long hallways to run down.

While we were waiting we had a nice big room to our selves. Anderson liked spinning this chair and playing with some toys that were also in the room.

We saw a specialist (plastic surgeon) named Dr. Lim. (pronounced limb, which i think is awesome because he is working on my son's limb. :)
He examined Anderson's hand. He officially diagnosed Anderson with syndactyly. He also explained to us the condition that makes his left  hand smaller. He then discussed all the possibilities (surgery or no surgery, surgery now or waiting until later...), and a timeline with us as far as other appointments. 

Anderson got his first x-ray of his hand. We were able to see that the bones were not fused together. This was great news! We also saw that although my guess was that Anderson's hand was smaller because he was missing a bone in his fingers,  Thankfully that was not true. He actually has all three bones in each finger but one of the bone sections is very tiny. (the 2nd one). This is also good news. It seems like they will grow with his hand . So although his left hand will always be a bit smaller than his right it does have all the correct bones and will continue to grow at its own pace.

Before we left, we made a follow up appointment and an appointment with a geneticist. Read more posts for what happened at those.  

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