Saturday, October 6, 2012

A little about Anderson's syndactyly

photo from march 2011
Anderson has syndactyly on his left hand. All of his fingers except his thumb are impacted. The pointer and middle are complete simple, between his middle finger and ring finger is incomplete simple,  and his ring and pinky are also incomplete simple.

Follow this link to see great pictures and a easy to understand definition of different types of syndactyly

The surgery that is scheduled for October 17, is going to focus on pointer and middle and ring and pinky. This means that He will probably have to have another surgery down the road to separate  between his middle and ring finger. This makes me sad! I really don't want Anderson to have to go through the surgery twice!

Anderson also has Brachydactyly. Basically when your fingers do not finish growing. His four fingers are all shorter on his left hand then on his right hand. His thumb is not affected. His fingers will always be shorter than the other hand. There is no good fix for this.  Doing anything to lengthen the fingers would most likely limit mobility and dexterity.
Fortunately the size difference is not that obvious. It does not stop him from doing things. He can still grip and carry things just as well as he can with his other hand.
I am hoping that once he gets his surgery none of his finger's strength will be diminished and he is able to use his hand the same if not better than he does now.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on the surgery today! I hope you come back and update us on how it all went! :) Thinking about all of you!
