Wednesday, October 3, 2012

geneticist appointment

After we had Anderson, I wondered if we would have more children with syndactyly. I was wondering if it was a random thing or if it was hereditary. So when we met with Dr. Lim, I asked him about it and he told us to set up an appointment with the geneticist.
The appointment was at gillettes childrens. When we got there we had to get andersons height and weight like before every appointment and then we were waiting in the waiting room for a while. Then right before our appointment was supposed to start we were moved to our room. We waited and waited. Anderson played around the room. I feed him baby food, we read books and still we waited. A nurse came in to check on us and apologised for the wait. She gave us coupons for a free drink at the coffee shop in the hospital. We went down and got some coffee and then came back and still we waited. Finally our Dr. came in. I cannot remember her name but I guess she had been a Dr. for a very long time. I think she had forgotten that we had an appointment and did not come in for the morning.
Not the greatest way to start out the appointment.
She asked us tons of family history health questions and looked at anderson. She made a determination that she thought it was not herreditory.
I feel like i could still have another child with syndactyly, but i don't think it would be as high of a chance as if it was hereditory.
enjoying a swing

one of his favorite things to do, read!
Also the more we think about it and talk about it i don't think that it would stop us for having another child. We love Anderson so much and i think he has a great life ahead of him. Even though syndactyly will affect him in many ways I hope that some of the ways will be good as well as the bad that will come. I hope that it makes him a stronger, kinder, braver person who is able to press on through a life that is full of trials for everyone.
Although we as parents want to protet our children from all things bad that happen, the truth is bad things do happen. When they do you want your child to be able to react to them in a good way.

I did not take any pictures this trip so i added a few of our little boy to spice up this post.
I love adventure! 
Isn't his smile just the greatest?

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