Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day Before the Surgery

Tuesday October 16, 2012

I was filled with peace during the morning. I knew many many people where praying for us. I also knew God's promise to never leave me or forsake me. Anderson was very sweet and obeying way more then normal. It was a beautiful day outside. One of the first days over 65 degrees in a long time, and sunny too. Anderson and I went to eat lunch with Andy at a park by his work. It was bitter sweet to see Anderson playing on all of the playground equipment in a way he would not be able to do for a long time. All in all it was wonderful to sit in the sunshine and spend time with my guys.
last time (for a while) swinging with no cast! 

Then we went home and took a nap. (Yay!)
Our friend Heather called us up and asked us if we wanted to go to supper and let the kids play at a park or something. Thankful for friends who care about our lives.
We met at the mall and ate at Macoroni grill. It was delicious! Then we walked around the mall and let the kids play.

Anderson and his friend Evy playing at the mall.
The mall has a little train that is for kids that chugs around the hallways of the mall, so the dads took the kids on a ride for fun. Anderson loves trains. His little face was shining with delight. It was definitely nice to get out and take our minds off of the next day.
When we got home I was packing and thought we should read over the check list from the hospital again to make sure that we did not forget anything.  Andy read it and saw something that made us nervous. We saw that we might need to have pre approval from our insurance. While we had checked to see if our insurance would cover Anderson's surgery, we had not filled out or sent in any forms. We had no idea that we might have to. Unfortunately we saw this at close to 10:00 p.m. so we tried to call every number that we could find but no one was available to talk to because it was after hours. We looked on the web site to see if we could find out anything but we could not. I was so worried that they would not cover the surgery. I thought we might have to cancel the surgery until we figured it out.  I did not want to go through this whole week of anticipation for no reason. Andy thought we should just go to bed and he would call them when they opened in the morning. That still worried me because we were supposed to be at the hospital at 6:15 and his surgery started at 8. The insurance company would not be opened until a half hour before the surgery started.
At least this all kept my mind off of Anderson's surgery. :)
 I slept a very short very restless sleep, waking every hour or so and feeling wide awake with nervous anticipation of the next day.

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