Thursday, November 8, 2012

The next day. (Morning in the hospital)

We had a great morning at the hospital. Anderson's pain was under control and he seemed much more like himself. Here is our morning in pictures.
We gave him a "bath" with nice warm wipes and this cool shower cap.
It had soap inside of it to wash his hair.

A very helpful nurse suggested that we move my bed next to his bed.
To those of you who will be going through surgery,
I highly suggest this if you can do it.
 It was great to be only an arms reach away during the night. 

Our first nurse Michel tried to help Anderson not pull out his IV from his foot.
 He taped a cord on this bear to show Anderson that it was o.k

Attempting to do things with one hand is a new challenge.

I love that little face!

Our room number.
It's a tradition for me to take a picture of room numbers.

Exploring the hospital 

Andy's room in the Ronald McDonald House

Bathroom in the Ronald McDonald House

It was so nice to shower in the morning,
it made the day seem nice and fresh.

Fun little game in the Ronald McDonald House

Anderson loved this car. He drove it all around the hospital. As long as we kept up on his pain meds he was doing great. We did hear a lot of requests to take the cast off however. :) 

Little car, little driver, little cast.

On the way home. Tired little guy!
I brought a shirt i did not like that much for him and we cut off the sleeve.
 It worked great.
I also bought some lady's leg warmers that were really fuzzy. We put those on and it made his cast much softer. a good thing for all of us.


  1. hi amy....
    i can understand how painful is this to see such a small kid going thru numerous surgeries. recently my 8 month old kid also gone through the same surgery of his left hand. just wanted to know if we can chat on gmail or any other mail so that we can share similar experiences and ask doubts to each other for clarification.


    1. Hi! I would be glad to talk with you here on my blog. I am sorry that you have had to go through the same hard things, but glad we can support each other. I hope that your little boy is doing well and that his hand is healing nicely! Let me know if I can help in any way.

